Category: Achievements
A visit from Engineer Paul

STEPS Young Engineer Awards

Sciath na Scol Success – Double Celebrations
There were great celebrations at Ballinacarriga NS on Thursday, May 23rd when both its girls’ and the boys’ football teams won their Sciath na Scol finals, which took place in Dunmanway. The girls defeated Dromleigh NS on a score of 4-3 to 1-3 with the boys also victorious over Dromleigh NS, finishing up 5-4 to 0-11 winners. Congratulations went to all players and coaches involved. It is a huge achievement for both teams to have won their final.
Debating – West Cork Semi-Final
On Thursday 16th of May, we had a debate against Carrigboy N.S., Durrus in the West Cork Education Centre in Dunmanway. Unfortunately we lost but not by much. About our debaters, Maebh O’Brien, Finian Hurley and Rino di Rollo. They were very persuasive and passionate about their points. Our sub team Peggy Mc Carthy, Luke Mc Carthy and Patrick Collins were just as good.We may be a small school but that does not stop us from achieving great things!
By Caoimhe O’Donovan 5th Class
Irish Pony Society
Heather Cooley in 6th class was weighed down with prizes after attending the Irish Pony Society Cork area and national awards recently. We are very proud of her achievements and wish her all the best in the future!!
Farrah & Margaret Win Library Bus Competition!
Former pupils Margaret Collins & Farrah Healy won a competition to have their art pieces displayed on the side of the brand new West Cork Library Bus!! They entered this competition last May when in 6th class.
Farrah wrote a positive reading adage of her own making – “If you read cover to cover, you speak head to head.”
Margaret drew a picture of with an inspirational Irish sentence she made up herself – “Tá an bus leabharlainne ag dul ó cheann go ceann.”
The new bus was launched at an event in the Parkway Hotel on Friday 1st September, hosted by Declan Hurley, Mayor of County Cork.
Well done to both girls!
Cork City Sports
These are the children who took part in the Cork City Sports on Thursday June 1st. Congratulations to all on a very successful day.
Physical Activity: Indoor hurling finals
The finals were played in Na Piarsaigh’s GAA grounds on Thursday 16th March.
The 3rd & 4th girls beat Vicarstown in the semifinal (6-2)
They met Shandrum in the final and it was a close battle in the first half. Ballinacarriga pulled together & went ahead in the 2nd half. It ended 5-2 with Ballinacarriga on top. Congratulations to all the girls in 3rd & 4th class!!
The 2nd-4th class boys met Burnfort in the semifinal & were very unlucky to lose 3-2. It was a close encounter with Ballinacarriga leading for most of the game but Burnfort went ahead just before the final whistle. They played Tirealton in the runners up final & won that match 5-2. They played really well & received medals for 3rd place.
Well done to all the boys!!
It was an amazing opportunity for all involved & a great day out!
Achievements:Gymnastics and Tae Kwon do
The children in Ballinacarriga N.S. take part in a wide range of physical activity outside of school. Below are just a few of the children who have taken part in gymnastics and tae kwon do competitions and brought in their medals to school to celebrate their success.
Physical Activity: Hurling & Camogie
Congrats to the 3rd & 4th class boys & girls who have reached the finals in hurling and camogie in Cork. Dates to be finalised.
Debating team
Commiserations to the 6th class debating team who took park in the West Cork education centre debate against Knockskeagh. We were proposing the motion “We should only eat food produced in Ireland”. Sadly, they did not progress to the next round. Congratulations to everyone involved! You did the school proud!!
Physical Activity: Hurling blitz
Congratulations to the 2nd, 3rd & 4th class boys who won their hurling blitz today in Ballinacarriga. They beat 4 other schools to progress to the county finals to be held in march in cork. Well done!
Horse Riding
Well done to Heather Cooley in fifth class who recently won these lovely rosettes for her horse riding !
U14 Cork Camogie Team
Past pupils Mairéad Crowley and Dáire O’Brien called to the school to show us the many plaques and medals they have won while playing with the U14 Cork Camogie Team. We are proud that they attended Ballinacarriga N.S. and we wish them all the best in the future.
County Library Table Quiz
Well done to the 6th Class Quiz team on coming 2nd in the County Library table quiz that was held in Dunmanway on Wednesday 26th October.
Something Fishy in Ballinacarriga
Something Fishy in Ballinacarriga!
Ballinacarriga National School was delighted to welcome Michael McPartland (Inland Fisheries Ireland) Mary O’ Donovan and Chrissie O’ Mahony (West Cork Education Centre) to present the Fifth Class with the ‘Something Fishy’ West Cork regional prize.
The Fifth class girls had been very busy taking part in the Something Fishy Project last year with Ms. Kelly. This project explores different aspects of fish life- water, fish, the life cycle of salmon, fish stocks, angling, conservation of our rivers and lakes and fish as part of the food chain.
To enter the children had to produce a class project on any aspect of the Something Fishy Programme. The Fifth class, with Ms. Kelly’s help, created a video on the life cycle of the fish. All the projects are marked initially on a regional basis and we here in Ballinacarriga were delighted to hear the girls had won the West Cork round of the competition. Mary O’ Donovan said the standard this year was very high and the girls had used a combination of music, drama and animation very effectively in their entry. Ms. Glavin (Principal) said she was very proud of the girls and how they demonstrated their understanding of the fish life cycle.
The winning projects will now be put forward to the national competition so we wish the girls the best of luck in the next round. Maith sibh Cailíní
Debating Ireland Competition: Inter-Regional Level
Ballinacarriga Debating Team strike again!
On Thursday 20th of March, Ms. Nagle, Mrs Milner, the Sixth Class debate team and their parents set off for Dungarvan for the inter-regional round of the Debating Ireland competition. The motion was ‘All schools should have a healthy eating policy’ and Ballinacarriga were proposing the motion. The opposing team were from Carlow and they had a completely different style of debating to our team. It was hard to know which way the adjudicators would sway and spectators felt it could have gone either way. Luckily for Ballinacarriga NS our journey in the Debating Ireland competition would not end here. The motion was carried and we are now through to the All-Ireland semi-final! Both the semi-final and final will take place on the same day in Dublin so the team have the tough task of preparing two motions before their final day out.
We are extremely proud of the whole team and we wish them every success on Tuesday 1st of April in UCD.
Regional Final Debate
Our Sixth Class debating team have continued to be successful in the Debate Ireland competition. They have recently won the regional final which was held in Ballyvourney against Scoil Bhríe, Loreto, Killarney. The motion this time was ‘Charity begins at home, here in Ireland’. Ballinacarriga were proposing the motion and as they say in debating circles ‘the motion was carried’.
Indoor Hurling and Camogie County Final 2014
Congratulations to the 3rd and 4th Class girls who won the county final in the indoor camogie competition. The finals were held in Na Piarsaigh GAA Hall. Following their success at local level, they went on to beat Ballydaniel in the semi-final and Ballynoe in the final. Well done girls!
Congratulations also to the 3rd and 4th Class boys who also reached the finals.